
California Prunes Chocolate Tarte

Chocolate torte made with California Prune puree served with a brandy prune ice cream, prune gel, a coffee chocolate crumble, and brandy prunes. 

by Chef Ana de Anda

This recipe is part of the Chef’s Roll Test Kitchen Series and is made in partnership with California Prunes.

Chocolate Torte


  • Unsalted butter
  • 6 oz. Bittersweet chocolate
  • 6 ea. Large eggs, separated, room temperature
  •  ½ cup Prune puree
  • 1 cup Sugar, divided
  • 3 tbsp. Instant-espresso powder
  • 1/4 tsp. Coarse salt
  • 1 tbsp. Vanilla bean paste


  1. Melt butter and chocolate, stirring until smooth, in a water bath.
  2. Beat together egg yolks and 1/2 cup sugar with a mixer on medium-high speed until thick and pale.
  3. Add espresso powder and salt, mix.
  4. Add vanilla and melted-chocolate mixture, mix.
  5. Add prune puree, mix until combined.
  6. In another bowl, beat egg whites and remaining 1/2 cup of sugar to stiff peaks.
  7. Fold into chocolate mixture.
  8. Transfer batter to pan and bake at 350 F until set, 40 to 45 minutes.
  9. Let cake cool.

Coffee Crumble


  • 80 g. Sugar
  • 200 g. Almond flour
  • 120 g. AP flour
  • 48 g. Cocoa powder
  • 40 g. Coffee grounds
  • 16 g. Salt
  • 160 g. Butter


  1. Mix all dry ingredients.
  2. Melt butter and mix with dry ingredients.
  3. Bake at 350 for 15 min.

Prune Gel


  • 150 g. Strawberry puree
  • 2 g. Agar agar
  • 25 g. Sugar


  1. Bring all ingredients to a boil, let set and once cooled, blend.

Prune Gel


  • 16 oz. Pitted prunes
  • 1 cup + 2 tbsp. Brandy
  • 1/4 cup Sugar
  • Pinch Ground cinnamon


  1. Bring prunes, 1 cup Brandy, and the sugar to a simmer in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Cook until liquid is syrupy and prunes are softened, about 20 minutes.
  2. Transfer prunes in syrup to a heatproof bowl, and stir in remaining 2 tablespoons Brandy and the cinnamon.
  3. Let cool.

Brandy Prune Ice Cream


  • 75 g. Egg yolks
  • 125 g. Sugar
  • 125 g. Whole milk
  • 250 g. Heavy cream
  • 113 g. Prunes


  1. Separate egg yolks in a bowl and set aside.
  2. Bring milk, cream, and sugar just to the beginning of a boil.
  3. Slowly pour milk and cream mixture over yolks while whisking constantly.
  4. Strain and set in the fridge over night.
  5. The next day, pour half of the ice cream mix into a blender with the prunes and blend.
  6. Pour into ice cream maker and churn until ready.