
17 | Taiwan

On Monday, September 3rd, Chef’s Roll went to Taiwan for Chef’s Plate 17, in partnership with JENDE Industries.

Alex Tsui, Executive Chef at La Birreria by TurningTable, and Wu Yen Zhang, Executive Chef at Eagles, went head to head for a chance to win a JENDE Knife Roll and the Chef’s Plate 17 trophy. Each chef cooked and presented three courses to a panel of judges and attendees. Congratulations to Alex Tsui for taking the title!

Participating judges for Chef’s Plate 17 included:

1.潘瑋翔Fly Pan

翱翔餐飲國際 SoarFly& Beverage
執行總監 Executive Director

2.王姿允 Tammy Wang

成大家醫科醫師暨不收費美食部落客 NCKU- Family medicine doctor/ food blogger

3.陳寬定Eddie Chen

國立高雄餐旅大學西餐廚藝系系主任  Professional Specialist (Professor Level) and Chair

4.Nicholas Luh, McKinsey & Company Senior Consultant

5.Jia Jia Tsai, Silkart Group Marketing

Thank You To Our Chef’s Plate 17 Sponsors