
Potato Sphere

Chef Christopher Anderson

Potato Sphere by Michelin-starred Chef Christopher Anderson.

Potato Sphere


  • Crescent Potatoes
  • 200 g. Milk
  • 200 g.Cream
  • 50 g. Butter
  • 3.25 g. Iota Carrageenan
  • 5.75 g. Kappa Carrageenan



  • Purple Leaves Spinach (dressed)
  • Tropical Spinach (dressed)
  • Picked Purplettes
  • Thyme Florets
  • Red Malabar Spinach
  • Fried Garlic Root
  • Champagne Vinegar
  • Grape seed Oil

Potato Sphere


  1. Peel and boil potatoes until done. Weight all ingredients and blend with Vitamix then add to a sauce pot. Season to taste with salt.
  2. Bring mixture to 80 degrees Celsius to activate gelling agents.
  3. Pour contents into sphere molds and allow to set for at least one hour in cooler.
  4. Pull out of cooler and allow to temper for 30 minutes before serving.



  1. Fry the garlic root to order at 340 degrees Fahrenheit until golden brown. When it comes out of the fryer bundle into a nest before it sets. Reserve in dehydrator until pick.
  2. Make Champagne Vinaigrette to dress the Purple Leaves Spinach and the Tropical Spinach.
  3. Pickle Purplettes in ramp pickling liquid for 24 hours.
  4. Garnish and plate around sphere appropriately.

Learn more about Michelin-starred Chef  Christopher Anderson at his Chef’s Roll Profile.