Sashimi with Blue Scampi Caviar

Ora King Salmon and Spencer Gulf Kingfish  sashimi with a citrus vinaigrette, topped with  Yarra Valley Caviar  and Lee Fish Blue Scampi Caviar.

by Chef Mikel Anthony

This recipe is part of the Chef’s Roll Test Kitchen Series and is made in partnership with Lee Fish.

Citrus Vinaigrette


  • 1 ea. Orange
  • 1 ea. Lemon
  • 1 ea. Grapefruit
  • 4 tbsp. Neutral oil (approx)
  • 1 tsp. Togarashi


  1. Supreme (segment) citrus and squeeze any remaining juice into a bowl.
  2. Place in segments, togarashi, and whisk in oil. You can macerate or keep citrus in tact.

Serve over sashimi and top with Blue Scampi Caviar from Lee Fish.