
Smoked Shoyu Salmon Nigiri

Verlasso salmon nigiri with smoked shoyu, fresh wasabi, and ikura.

by Chef Mikel Anthony

This recipe is part of the Chef’s Roll Test Kitchen, in partnership with Verlasso.

Pacific Salmon Nigiri


  • Smoked shoyu – brush
  • Fresh wasabi – grater
  • 1 Pacific Verlasso Salmon loin or filet
  • Sushi rice 
  • Ikura – 1 small container


  1. Break down the fish into loins and filet and reserve.
  2. Cook your sushi rice and prepare according to package instructions. Cool to room temp and form.
  3. Slice the fish into nigiri size pieces and top the sushi rice.
  4. Brush with smoked shoyu and top with fresh wasabi and ikura.