
Verlasso Salmon Crudo

Verlasso’ Atlantic salmon crudo with Italian salsa verde, fresh chiles, citrus, spiced vinegar, and maldon salt.

by Chef Mikel Anthony

This recipe is part of the Chef’s Roll Test Kitchen, in partnership with Verlasso.

Whole Verlasso Salmon


  • 1 ea. Verlasso Atlantic Salmon


  1. Break down into loin and filets. Reserve carcass for stock

Italian Salsa Verde


  • 1 tbsp. Capers
  • 1 small bunch Parsley
  • 4-6 cloves Garlic 
  • 1/2 cup Olive oil, approx.
  • 1 ea. Meyer lemon, juiced


  1. Place into a food processor and pulse while streaming in olive oil and lemon juice.
  2. When a sauce consistency is formed or desired level of achieved stop.
  3. Add more lemon juice and olive oil if needed. Taste as you go.