
Josue Castro


Name: Josue Castro
Location: Tijuana, BC
Company: The Kitchen TJ#22000 Project, Photo Studio
Title: Photographer / Owner
Years in the industry: 25
Notable clients you’ve worked for: MOPA Director Deborah Klochko, Chef Javier Plascencia, Chef Miguel Angel Guerrero, Chef Ryan Steyn, Chef Drew Deckman, Chef Hanis Cavin

What inspired you to pursue this career and what do you love most about it?
I love to photograph people.

Where did you get your photography education?
Mexico City, Tijuana BC and San Diego CA.

What kind of camera and equipment do you use?
I have been using Canon for most of my time as a photographer and now I am working with Sony A7 cameras.

What’s on your photography equipment wish-list?
Sony A7R and Sony 7S cameras.

What is keeping you busy and engaged these days?
A project based on chefs, winemakers and beer brewers from around the globe.

What food driven magazines and books do you read and draw your inspiration from?
I am more into surfing the net to look for new trends on cooking.

What would you say your signature style is? What makes you unique? 
Bringing out the soul of people in my black and white portraits.
Black and White Josue Castro
What is your office/work environment like, in terms of both space and co-workers?
It’s a loft studio in Tijuana.
photo studio josue castro
What is your creative process? (general steps, questions you ask, methods etc.)
I interview the subject for half an hour before we start the shooting session.

Chefs and restaurateurs are a creative bunch, is it hard to balance their vision with yours?
Not at all, it’s a lot of fun to work with their creativity.

What is your favorite project to date and who was it for?
“PureHedonism-HedonismPure” and working with MOPA Director Deborah Klochko as my curator.
Josue castro
Do you travel for your job? If yes, what is your schedule like and what standards have to be met for you to agree to take the trip?
(Yes) Have Fun!

Name a client you’ve shot for whose food styling and cuisine blew your mind? Explain…
Chef Karla Navarro from Tijuana BC., love her food and concept….
josue castro - carla
If you could shoot for anyone in the world, who would it be for and why?
Anthony Bourdain, he is wild.

How did you find Chef’s Roll and what urged you to join? 
Chef’s Roll invited me to be part of their project…Thanks!

What are your career goals? Life goals?
Keep showing my work in museums around the globe.

Photographer Josue Castro
Photographer Josue Castro