ATTENTION, BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA-BASED CHEFS AND RESTAURATEURS! We have partnered with Seafood from Norway to offer a new opportunity for...
Calling all US-based chefs and culinary operators: Summer is here, and so is an essential cookout companion, MAYO! In this...
Calling all US and Canada* based chefs and culinary operators! Chef’s Roll has teamed up with Unilever Food Solutions to...
ADD IMPOSSIBLE TO YOUR MENUS THIS FALL If selected, you’ll receive an exclusive, limited-time mEAT HAPPY marketing kit packed with...
Congratulations to the winners of the THE IMPOSSIBLE™ BEEF FROM PLANTS RECIPE CONTEST! With over 600 chefs registering to compete,...
Over 600 chefs and culinary professionals registered for THE IMPOSSIBLE™ BEEF FROM PLANTS RECIPE CONTEST, making it one of our...
Calling all US-based chefs and culinary operators who love meat and want to experiment with flavor trends! Do you want...
JOIN THE ‘SHROOM BOOM. CELEBRATE WITH YOUR GUESTS AND FOLLOWERS With the mighty mushroom’s prominence in the pop cultural zeitgeist,...
Your students have come to expect modern and delicious plant-based menu options. There’s never been a better time to bring...
Congratulations to the winners of the meez recipe showdown! We challenged dozens of chefs to show off their cooking skills...
Congratulations to the winners of the Cooking With Color Recipe Contest! We challenged 75 chefs to show off their sweet...
Congratulations to the winners of the INSPIRED BY KIKKOMAN Chef Competition! Kikkoman® Soy Sauce has inspired generations of chefs to...